Tuesday, 4 November 2014

On land of Provence, Marseille!

In October we went to Marseille to visit Greg's family. It was very nice of Greg´s father and his dear wife Marli to invite us to their house and to buy us a fly ticket. And Greg had the opportunity to be with his brother. Was our first time in this town. I know many places in France but I never went to Marseille before. For some reason it didn't look like France to me! Is a multicultural city, the traffic is chaotic, I didn't find it a pretty place and the streets are very destroyed and dirty. Okay, okay... I did like a few things! The people were very lovely, truly friendly, always ready for a smile. It had lovely food markets from other cultures and I love that. My little men loved the banana juice from a Arabic market! It isn't an expensive place. Have many vintage markets and apparently many vintage shops, although I didn't had the opportunity to "vintage hunt". It has Marseille soap and everything - what do you want more?! :O) Well, one thing that upset me was the fact that many museums were shut. And the one that I was particularly interested in was closed for a long time and it will only open next year - Museum Cantini. This museum has a permanent collection with paintings from around 1907 to 1941, from Fauvism, pre-Cubism, Cubism, Purism, Surrealism. What a shame I've missed it.  But I had a tempting invitation from a lovely lady from England, she said "come to London! Everything is open!" :O)

Em Outubro, fomos a Marselha visitar a família do Greg. Foi muito gentil da parte do pai do Greg e da sua querida esposa em nos convidarem para sua casa e nos oferecerem um bilhete de avião. E o Greg teve oportunidade de estar com o irmão. Foi a nossa primeira vez nesta cidade. Conheço muitos lugares em França mas nunca tinha estado em Marselha antes. Por alguma razão não me pareceu França! É uma cidade multicultural, com trânsito caótico, não achei muito bonito e as ruas estavam muito destruídas e sujas. Ok, ok... gostei de algumas coisas, tá! As pessoas são uns amores, muito simpáticas e sempres prontas para um sorriso. Tinha mercados de outras culturas e eu amo isso. O meu petiz perdeu-se de amores com o sumo de banana do mercado árabe! Não é um lugar caro. Acontecem muitas feiras vintage e aparentemente tem muitas lojinhas vintage, embora eu não tenha tido oportunidade de explorar e ir a "caça de tesouros". Tem sabão de Marselha e tudo! O que é que vocês querem mais?! :O) Bem, uma coisa que me aborreceu, foi o facto de muitos museus se encontrarem fechados ao público. E o museu que eu estava particularmente interessada em visitar estava fechado há já bastante tempo e só volta a reabrir portas para o próximo ano - Museu Cantini. Este museu tem uma coleção permanente com pinturas desde 1907 a 1941, desde Fauvismo, pré-Cubismo, Cubismo, Purismo e Surrealismo. Que pena ter perdido. Mas tive um convite tentador de uma senhora inglesa, que disse. "Venham a Londres! Está tudo aberto!" :O)

Happy family... although they look very serious :o)
We went up to see the Basilica Notre Dame de La Garde 

Inside of the Basilica everything shine, the byzantine mosaics were very pretty.
Beautiful view over town from the Basilica
Down town had a pretty Marina
This shop was full of yummy things in pretty parcels. I loved the vintage propaganda!
One of my favourites - the vintage carousel!
My little men was very upset when we walked away from this fun piece.
Has you can see, I wear a lot my first sewn skirt! I need another one ;o) 
In front of the Marina had this huge mirror. When we look up gives the impression of being in water
Bye Bye Marseille! See you next time... and this time, with time ;o)
Adeus Marselha! Até para a próxima... e desta vez, com tempo ;o)
Au revoir! Et bon chance :)
Miss Beta


  1. Olá Beta! Sua família é muito bonita ^_^ ... que fotos maravilhosas!
    Espero que um dia eu também possa conhecer alguns países, incluindo a França e poder visitar várias cidades lindas como essa. =)

    Beijos, Pri

    1. Minha querida amiga. Os teus comentários sempre me fazem sorrir! Espero que sim, que um dia pises neste lado do Oceano e que venhas conhecer Lisboa que é uma cidade histórica muito especial! Estarei cá para te receber ;-)

      Beijinhos xx
      Miss Beta

  2. Sweet Beta, what a beautiful corner of the world you got to visit. It looks like a very historically rich area, which (perhaps not surprisingly :)) always speaks deeply to me. I love the shots of you three all together. It's marvelous to be able to put a face to your dear husband now. I'm thrilled that you were able to get away for a trip this autumn, too (as we were, I mean), and hope that the rest of 2014 and beyond will continue to be as lovely as this holiday was.

    Countless hugs from Canada,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. My dear friend, thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Yeah! I also loved so much to see the faces of your dear family members from Halloween day! :)

      Yes, one thing that I love so much in Europe is all historical places around. Makes everything very interesting! I'm glad we could make this travel in the end, because we didn´t know till the last minute. The little men was with Varicela! :o)

      Many, many, hugs from me,
      Miss Beta

  3. Beautiful photos! It looks like a lovely trip. The vintage carousel looks absolutely incredible - I adore carousels!!

    1. Dear Tanith, indeed, traveling is always good. It was for very short time but we could see some really pretty things. And like you, I was enchanted to find this beautiful old carousel! It was amazing that still worked. We were taking photos and suddenly it did light its lights and began to move! :) Wow!

      MIss Beta x


Thank you so much for your comments and thoughts. I appreciate each word and I look forward to read more about you. Come to visit more times! ;-)
Muito obrigada pelos teus comentários e pensamentos. Cada palavra é apreciada e espero lêr mais sobre ti. Vem visitar-me mais vezes! :-)

Miss Beta